Needham Select Board
Feel free to reach out with any questions, thoughts, desires, or concerns
at I look forward to hearing from you!
2024 has been a very busy year! Since being elected this past April, I continue to hold myself accountable to Needham residents. In that spirit, please take a moment to review my accomplishments this year and compare them to the priorities that I set out to achieve. Prior to the election, I provided the following answer to a campaign question.
What do you see as the most important goal you would like to achieve if elected:
My most important goal is to be responsive to residents’ questions, desires, and concerns and to ensure that the diverse range of perspectives among Needham residents is represented on the Select Board. This commitment to responsiveness and representation can take many forms, including answering questions, helping residents navigate various town departments, crafting policy to address recurring issues, or raising public awareness of proposals impacting Needham. Serving town residents is my goal. (From LWV Online Voter Guide to April 9, 2024 Election)
2024 Priorities
(unchanged since April 2024 election)
Housing: Increase the supply and variety of housing to make Needham more accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds
Stormwater & Environment: Improve drainage infrastructure to reduce the impact of frequent flooding, while also improving water quality and protecting our environment
School Buildings: Rebuild aging Pollard and Mitchell schools in a cost-effective and timely manner
Street Safety: Improve walking and biking accessibility while reducing motor vehicle collisions
Transparency: Promote transparency in government operations and engagement with residents
If you are able, your contributions are much appreciated.
When contributing $200 or more, please include occupation & employer.
Contributions are limited to $1000 per person.
© 2024 Joshua Levy